Monday 27 March 2017


Throughout PPP I have learnt a lot about myself and how to reflect and critically analyse my personality and my work. We have also focused heavily on the strengths and weaknesses of our work but a main thing that has helped me is knowing that your weaknesses are not a bad thing. In terms of personal branding and who you want to work with in the future we have learnt to always be looking for new ideas and inspiration anywhere you can and to share this inspiration with others around you. What I have gained from this year is improving about talking about myself and my work but also I think my public speaking skills have improved hugely. My favourite part of PPP would be the workshops and the visiting professionals because it gives us a break from all our work but it is also very inspirational for us to see that there is a positive future out there for us. It also shows us good ways to connect with professionals and the best way to make the biggest impact to gain the best result and response for you. I have found PPP this year to be very captivating to learn new things constantly about the industry and how professionals have got to the places they are today.I have learnt the best ways to network and new techniques to improve myself as a designer.

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