Thursday 23 March 2017

Above is the link to the website that I created, I thought it was best for me to create a website as companies spend millions on creating brochures and distributing them, by having a website it completely skips all of that out, clients can find out about you and the work you do from the comfort of their office or home without being ambushed in the street with someone handing out flyers to you when you are trying to get somewhere. I also believe more and more people are using the internet every day and 90% of those people have either purchased something or contacted a company online in the last 12 months. Thus showing that if you do not have a website you most definitely would be missing out. 

PENS I then had some time to look at producing something that would be nice and easy for each of us to leave something behind after seeing a client - I had the idea of pens. Something that is useful and every time a client used them they would be reminded of us. I was going to just produce one but then I thought I would do one for each of us as individuals as for a project we may just want one of us on the job and the client only wants to be reminded of the one Top Dog they are going to use.

I think creating our business cards all separately was a good idea because it puts across our own personal side to the project and makes us all unique. I think the business card is a necessity for a company as it is nicer to leave something with a client rather than just sending them an email after to remind them who you are - the business card is more personal. 

The feedback from our presentation was that it was a different view to the brief, everyone liked the playful and fun side to the brief which came across strongly. We received a lot of laughs from our peers when we were presenting the chosen dog types. However we were told that our design work could have more development. I agree with this and I also think that we struggled to work as a group because when we first met to discuss and show the initial ideas that they were all different and we needed to work out a way to bring our ideas into one company that didn't look different in all the aspects. I really enjoyed this brief thought, I had a lot of fun with it.

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