Tuesday 14 March 2017


This was a lecture given by Michael C Place, he told us his own story of how he became a graphic designer and not just his current work. 'Build is an award-winning creative agency with an international reputation for creating strong visual narratives. Utilising art direction and graphic design, we create brand identities, websites, packaging and books for design-led clients around the world.'

Michael Place spoke to us about his journey as a Graphic Designer, where he came from and how he got to where he was today. I always find these really interesting as they are a reminder that you need to work for where you want to be and get in the world but also that it can happen.   

Iron Maiden, Motörhead and Saxon wheels of steel were all music artists with album covers and visual identities that he took a lot of inspiration from. He can now appreciate that with time they have become very dated and some of the type does not work as well. This made me think that I should be very open minded with my work and know that it is always going to change from year to year. 

"Let your interests feed into your work. It makes it richer"

Another piece of advice that he gave was that rules and constraints are important. The constraints will give you a purpose and something to focus all of the energy into.  This can help you to build a more complex concept, making the design work much richer and more valuable.

just breathe!!!!  HE told us that it is important to take a break so that you can come back feeling reenergised and motivated again. Michael said that is likely that the long hours and intense deadlines may make you burn out. To solve this problem when he faced it, he went travelling for a year and came back with a fresh headspace and feeling inspired. 

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