Saturday 25 March 2017


To get the content needed for this brief i needed to see what I have learnt and answer the questions below.

What have you learned and what do you want to learn? 
  • not just about the outcome, the design process is very useful 
  • failure is ok, you can learn from it
  • asking for help is not a bad thing, it is very useful
  • broader range of research is needed
  • peers can help just as much as tutors can
  • new skills - letterpress, screenprint
What mistakes have you made and how have you learned from them?
  • missing crits - they impact heavily on my design
  • not experimenting enough
  • organisational skills need improvement
  • leaving things to the last minute
  • making rationales too late into the project, make them earlier
How will this affect your future development?
  • dont get the feedback that is needed
  • thus making the project harder for myself
What are your strengths and how have you / will you develop them further?
  • learning new skills
  • visual researching and sourcing materials
  • idea generation
  • exploring approaches
What are your weaknesses and how do you intend to address them?
  • public speaking
  • not blogging after the sessions i need to
  • making informed design decisions with purpose and sticking to them
  • time management skills - work harder to make it better
What have you enjoyed and why?
  • enjoyed all the inductions that were provided mainly the hand printing one
What have you disliked and why? How does this affect your ambitions?
  • not being able to fully utilise InDesign as I didnt pick it up as quick as others did
  • blogging the amount that is needed and consistently
What did you want to get from the year? Have you achieved this? 
  • new skills to aid my work
  • yes i have gained many more skills but i think there is always more to learn
What have you discovered that you werent expecting?
  • research doesn't just have to come from the internet, it can come to you when you aren't even looking for it
I am going to include the most important and the most relevant from each of the points in my powerpoint.

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