Monday 27 March 2017


Throughout PPP I have learnt a lot about myself and how to reflect and critically analyse my personality and my work. We have also focused heavily on the strengths and weaknesses of our work but a main thing that has helped me is knowing that your weaknesses are not a bad thing. In terms of personal branding and who you want to work with in the future we have learnt to always be looking for new ideas and inspiration anywhere you can and to share this inspiration with others around you. What I have gained from this year is improving about talking about myself and my work but also I think my public speaking skills have improved hugely. My favourite part of PPP would be the workshops and the visiting professionals because it gives us a break from all our work but it is also very inspirational for us to see that there is a positive future out there for us. It also shows us good ways to connect with professionals and the best way to make the biggest impact to gain the best result and response for you. I have found PPP this year to be very captivating to learn new things constantly about the industry and how professionals have got to the places they are today.I have learnt the best ways to network and new techniques to improve myself as a designer.

Saturday 25 March 2017


Before coming here all my work was based on the outcome, since being here I have realised that a lot of the work can be based on the design process and the ideas behind the work. I have also pushed myself to ask for help from both tutors and my peers, which I think, has helped my work a lot to improve1

I find the group crits extremely helpful for me and I believe it is a good learning curve for me because I still am not very good at portraying my thoughts into words and having to do this for the crits is helping me to improve. Usually I do not always have enough work to show in the crits to get the feedback that I needed the most which is a mistake of mine. I have realised how helpful the crits are because you receive so much feedback that you can choose what idea you go with and getting the feedback really does impact on my work. In future projects I will make sure my idea can summarised more concisely within my rationale, to promote a stronger sense of direction earlier on in the design development process. I should also use this rationale as a source to constantly evaluate my project development

not getting a good amount of helpful feedback will affect my outcome and future development, which is shown in my work for my zine. I didn’t go to all the crits which I think shows in my outcome as I didn’t get as much feedback to change my outcome so had to stick with the same idea that I had very little feedback on

Throughout being at LCA I have accumulated new skills, knowledge and strengths that has and hopefully will keep on impacting my design. I have found the workshops we have very helpful. The most helpful ones for me are Illustrator, Photoshop and the handmade print methods, I found them the most helpful as I did not have much experience with these before. I have also found out that if you do not keep on using the skills you learn they are very easy to forget. The workshops we had at the start were incredibly useful but I know there is so much more to learn. I think my strongest aspect is researching and sourcing visual materials for my projects because I enjoy researching the most. I will try to develop this further by looking into different ways of researching and exploring a range of approaches

Before making informed design decisions with purpose was not one of my strengths, I found it hard to make a decision without going back on it and changing my mind. This affected my work greatly due to the fact that I then had less time to actually design. I intend to address this by starting to take more care and think about why I am making the decisions that I make, however I believe it is an on-going aspect as well as blogging that I will keep working on. Time management skills also affect my blogging because I find it hard to keep up on the amount of work I get

All inductions provided I enjoyed. The induction I enjoyed the most was bookbinding as I have always wanted to do it but never had the opportunity to do it before, I want to use this method more frequently in my work. I enjoyed all the hand made print inductions also because I think this year the majority of my work has been on the computer and it was nice to do something handmade for a change. 

Not being able to ustilise InDesign has prohibited my work because it takes me too much time to work out how to use it rather than actually designing. I haven’t liked blogging as it is a consistent thing and my time management needs improvement. It affects my ambitions because I am spending more time on aspects like blogging that I do not enjoy and it is taking the time away from my actual designs. However I believe that using my blog more frequently, critically analysing my process will help me improve

I believe I have gained new skills that have aided my work which is what I set out to do initially, however I believe that there is always room for improvement and I hope to improve further over the next two years.

I have discovered that research doesn’t just have to come from the internet; it can come to you when you aren’t even looking for it. Not all research is online. It is about going out looking around you and seeing how the things you see around you influence your design and why they do. This has given me a sort of understanding that I can take in inspiration from anywhere that will affect my practice in a useful way. However it is still extremely important to research online to the full because there is always more things to be found. 

I received good feedback after my presentation which was good because i was really nervous before I had to present. However after seeing everyones presentations and getting pennys feedback I realised I could have done with more images and pictures of my work and research in my powerpoint. I was 2 second under 7 minutes which was good as I practiced multiple times to get it at the perfect length. After it was done I felt good however I do believe that my presentation skills  need work however I know that this will be possible over the next 2 years.