Tuesday 19 February 2019

Creative Convos : Valentina - Suspira Magazine

- her 1st job was in Berlin fashion styling and buying
- her 1st creative job was social media with the W project - unpaid for a year
- at W project she did an event W project x Tate exchange - all female curation
- Caryn Franklin on : Going grey
Its important to get paid but at first you might have to do odd jobs whilst you are building on own projects and ideas. Valentina had to work 3 days a week unpaid at one point
- She said as she was working for free she wanted to work for free with her own ideas rather than for other people

Did you always want to be a creative director?
Loved taking the idea and rolling with it through to he end, so yes kind of. 

Biggest challenge?
Paying my bills without selling my soul!

Concept for Suspira?
- 6 months talking to creative people thinking and rethinking
- themed issues developed it 
- took a while to develop the cultural aspect e.g. literature and film
- the female voices really shone through for her

- Working on Suspira helped her develop the issues she had about her work and let people see her work for how good it was without her being scared to show it
- The process for workflow for the 1st issue took a while as unsure what the visual language should be - how graphic it should be (7 months)
- the 2nd issue took around actively 5 months in comparison - working closely alongside 2 Italian graphic designers who were also interested in horror. They had a hands on approach and were able to all bounce on each other 
- the monster issue (1st theme) - huge research process, covering a lot of ground e.g. mental health 
- evolution of the monster, relationship between monster and the woman was interesting to her as it was like a damsel in distress, always some sexual aspect in it. 
- she learnt a lot through the research process of Suspira 
- the issues are quite textured thus meaning its an immersive experience meaning at the moment it will stay a print magazine 
- the cover is v tactile, including all the elements
- there are elements that have consistency however due to the themed aspect there is flexibility to adapt the aesthetical change
- throughout the two issues there are a few consistent aspects = paper and typeface
- The fetish issue (2) runs with the intersection of horror with sex which had snowballed from research that happened in the 1st issue and from the late 60's. Marrying together the graphic horror and sexual aspects and creating a visual that is aesthetically pleasing
- Social media / mainly instagram is a big push to publicise the issues
- The first event is happening soon 'titty twister' - it is sold out and is to push the magazine
- Valentina got an investor who paid for the print and the graphic designers
- Features for the 1st issue she reached out to a lot of people 
- the 2nd issues the features came through more submissions as they know what they were getting into
- Suspira based on human psychology so people can respond to it, fear and desire to most primal human things
- originally she wanted it to look grungier however the aesthetic matches the idea - not too feminine whilst talking about the femininity in horror

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