Friday 22 February 2019

Creative Convos : Bafic

Bafic - mainly work in film, photography, musicians - graphic design has helped his process - did a 2 year course in london - why we need structure - the researching etc - Bafic is the his name in date of birth in letter form in alphabet - design is in everything - opportunities that lie ahead are not easily defined - things he does : videos + images + other stuff - he thinks more about the narrative, story the medium is just the vessel - corporate brands have core messages, becomes less about product and more about their personality - branding is design just in another way - in some cases you need to show the brand who they are through research, as time goes on they forget their ethos / who they are - the core corporate brands keep their ethos tight - they know who they are - there isn’t defined rules - you can do anything - why is album artwork square - from cd’s which was from record - change it - there are waves and trends which people jump on - but they are ever changing - “the qualities that make a graphic designer a good filmmaker really haven’t got to do with the specific aesthetics of deign” - read tipping point - pop culture shows you the power of branding, designing etc - ‘Choice Errors’ first video made, graphic design on a moving image - moving image can include elements of graphic design - NikeLab x Roundell - elements of type and imagery are the glue that holds the moving image together, taking you from frame to frame - Ask Around video - one rule was the camera had to be attached to the car at all times - director of oceans 11 shot another film on an iPhone - high flying birds - mabel - our place studio

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