Monday 21 May 2018


Overall I have really enjoyed this module, encouraging me to get my creative confidence up and work on bits of my practice that I have not really been able to do in other modules and last year. I think I have really come along in terms of presenting and confidence within that but also having to contact designers and creative people. It has also given me the opportunity to start doing client work which is something that is very new to me however I believe I am heading in the right direction. I found the creative report to be the most useful and eye-opening task for me within this module. Before I had contacted any creative people I was scared that I would be asking silly questions and that they won't be bothered, however, I found out that if they reply then they are obviously bothered and care to reply which shows they want to help in any way they can. All of the people I have been in contact with and am going to stay in contact with are so friendly and just want to help in any way they can. I believe this is because they know how hard it is to come from and how competitive the job world is now days. The best reply I received was from Ellie Nicholson who is the co-founder and a designer at Oslo. She was amazing and so lovely and I am going to try to stay in touch with her! 

Lifes a pitch was a fun collaborative brief which I think we worked well as a team. I do believe that we made decisions well as a group. One aspect that was hard was that we were not always free at the same time, so time management was a bit of a struggle. However, Kitty and I came up with a great concept that had good feedback so I am happy with the outcome of this brief. 

The final presentation allowed me took into my future year and summer to see what I want to do. it also helped me t=with my presentation skills which I think will just get better with time. Overall 502 has been a good module allowing me to develop my communication and presentation skills within a professional environment.

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