Tuesday 1 May 2018


Knowing that I already have a creative connection with the business developer at Bulletproof, a packaging design company in London which I did work experience for a couple of years ago really helped me with this even though it was something that was quite scary. 

To start this brief I was unsure about who to contact as there are so many different paths I could take within graphic design and at the moment I don't want to limit myself to one. With this in mind, I decided I would try to contact different people from different fields who all have different stories and journeys to their creativity. In order to get something out of this report, I decided to keep an open mind and try to take in everything that people tell me if they replied! 

1 Mo Doyle at Bulletproof 

Hi Mo,

I hope you are well and not too stressed like last time we spoke! I was wondering if I could ask you or one of the designers a couple of questions about how they got to their role today and their journey there. Can do any way they wish either facetime, phone or email!

Kind Regards,

Leah Ratcliffe

2 Ellie Nicholson, co-founder and designer at Oslo

Hi there, 

I hope you are well, I am a student studying graphic design at Leeds Arts University and I have just come across your work as you have done a talk at my university, I love the work you do and visual aesthetic you have as a whole. I was wondering if I could ask you a couple of questions regarding your practice?

How did you end up in the role you are in today and what did you do to get there?

What is the most exciting and inspiring aspect of your job?

What is one piece of advice you would tell to an aspiring graphic designer about branding and advertising design?

How do you maximise your working environment to the best of its abilities?

Whats the best aspect of working in a smaller company for you as a designer?

Thank you so much, this will be a HUGE help to my project and I love the vibes that you guys give off!

Kind regards,

Leah Ratcliffe

3 Leeds Print Workshop 

Hi there, 

I am currently studying Graphic Design at Leeds Arts University and I was wondering if you could answer a couple of my questions as I have an interest in the physical side of printing and I love the work you produce!

1. What was the process you went through to set up your own independent printing studio and why is it something that you are interested in?

2. Have you worked in a larger company if so do you why do you prefer a smaller business / if not why did you choose to go into a small independent business?

3. What services do you provide?

4. As a young designer interested in the physical side of design do you have any knowledge you could share with me on how I should go forward with my practice?

Thank you so much this will be a big help,

Kind regards,

Leah Ratcliffe 

4 Louis Jolie, Senior design manager at Coca-Cola

Hi Louis, 

Thank you so much for your time and I hope you are well. I am currently studying graphic design at Leeds Arts University and would appreciate it greatly if you could answer the following questions for a project that I am currently doing regarding my personal development within my practice and preparation for third year. 

Q1 - What jobs did you do prior to your packaging design at coca cola and what did they entail?

Q2 - How have these previous jobs influenced your practice today?

Q3 - What advice would you give to an aspiring graphic designer?

Q4 - What is your role within coca cola and what are your day to day responsibilities? 

Q5 - What is the processes you go through before finishing a finalised packaging design?

This is much appreciated as I am sure you have a very busy schedule. 

Kind Regards,

Leah Ratcliffe

5 Sophie at Park Pictures, a post-production company in London

Hi Sophie,

I hope you are well. I am currently studying Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art and am currently doing some research into work that inspires and interests me and I once looked around Park Pictures with my aunt, Fran Thompson and have now researched into it further and I love how the films are produced. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions regarding the work you do. 

How did you get into Production and is it something that you have always wanted to do?

What has been the most enjoyable project you have done?

What is Park Pictures core expertise in relation to production?

And lastly is there any advice you would give me as production is something I am interested in, which would benefit me and my practice?

Kind regards,

Leah Ratcliffe

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