Monday 21 May 2018


Leah's creative report

For my creative report I wanted to contact a wide range of designers and creative people in order to cover graphic design as a whole as I believe that would benefit me in the best way for my current practice. I have chosen to email these people as it is easier for them to reply with an answer that I need.

The creative report was an initially daunting task, however, I have loved the process of talking to creative people out there. I contacted many different people who did not all reply which was a problem for me at first, however, I am happy with the replies I received as I received a wide range of advice and knowledge about where they got to the place there is today.

As I am currently unsure about what route I want to take as a creative I wanted to look at different areas of graphic design that I may want to carry further in my future practice. I got replies from Leeds Print Workshop, Louis Jolie who is the Senior Design Manager at Coca-Cola, and Ellie Nicholson the co-founder and designer at Oslo.

The senior design manager at Coca-Cola was an eye opener for me as he moved from mechanical engineering to a design manager. This showed me the diversity of his job roles and how he was unsure of what he wanted to do like I currently am. A positive I received from getting in touch with him is that he is putting me in touch with other designers at Coca-Cola to stay in contact with as he believes they will be better used for me.

I chose these specific people as they all had different roles and journeys to get to where they are today. I chose Leeds Print Workshop as it was about print and the physical side of graphic design. I chose Louis Jolie as he has experience in the design field and Ellie as she started her own company and is her own boss. The most interesting and helpful reply I received was from Ellie Nicholson. The main piece of advice I gathered from her was to think about the bigger picture, intern at different companies to start then you will realise where you want to go and do. In terms of design as well think big; show the client as much as you can to sell your idea. She’s inspiring to me, as she is her own boss, undertaking a business alongside being a great designer.

As I did work experience at Bulletproof a packaging design company in London a couple of years ago, from then I have been able to keep in touch with the business development director who said I am welcome to come back to gain some further experience in this field which I know I enjoy as I have previous experience there.

I want to carry on talking to as many creative people as possible as it will further my knowledge on all aspects of design possible. I am lucky enough to be able to keep in contact with designers at Coca-Cola and Bulletproof to follow up my creative report.

Contacted = 

- Louis Jolie 
- Ellie Nicholson 
- Leeds Print Workshop 

^ these are the 3 who replied to me 

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