Friday 27 October 2017


Send people things they will remember you by - it is more interesting, always talk to people

The Kennedys = small group of creatives from all disciplines who live together for 8 months in Amsterdam, was an adjustment but an interesting experience. No rules, was hard to get to know people at the beginning. Ego stops you from creating good work at the start. You are there meeting new people and getting paid doing projects you would not usually get the chance to.

'Do you think being at university gave you enough info to do your own thing?' 
I stuggled but college is a good platform to do whatever you want to do. It is really important to realise you have the opportunity to be serious in industry, experiment and do what you want. It is important to have your own passions and interesting in life. Find new things to do and it is more interesting when people combine skills.

Progression -
Had no idea where she wanted to be at the start, lots of ideas but unsure what she wanted to do. She moved around, freelanced and created the way the industry worked for her. It is important to talk to people and make friends, best things happen when you listen to the advice that is given to you. Alway email people. 

'Is there a limit to persistence?'
Write to anyone like you know them, need to have an idea of what they are about, the people who care will respond to you, be personal

'What was your most enjoyable project?'
Platform about the work in Lithuania - chance to meet new people

'Do you feel uni held you back in any way?'
Uni was hard but she was strong, because of the struggle she learnt to fight for her own ideas. V important to stand your ground. You dont have to be one thing, you dont have to specialise, colege was hard to try and do one thing

Top Tips -
- create your job - it is up to you, create your own what id you don't know what you want to do
- question everyone - people will doubt things but if you feel in it right do it
- be silly - uni doesn't have to be serious
- put 100% into everything, be persistent 
- look for personality in you projects

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