Friday 27 October 2017



Design week magazine have a look every week

  • -interview is an exchange of information as a question and answers to extract information
  • -more of a conversation this way you will get more out of it
  • -interviews will need contacting in advance
  • -suggest to them how long the interview would take
  • -how and where will it take place
  • -better face to face, never do a questionnaire 
  • -have a reason to contact someone about why you want to find out about them
  • -don’t just have general questions, plan for the more personal ones to them
  • -be attentive, look interested
  • -empathy, be able to manage silences so it does not get awkward 
  • -prompt - if goes silent repeat last few words spoken by the interviewee
  • -probe - ask for more detail if you don’t understand
  • -checking - summarise their thoughts ‘If I have understood you correctly..’
  • -introduction - talk about the aims of the interview / intentions, confirm recording to see if they are ok with it
  • -write notes, engage, audio recording
  • -first questions significant, should be something they have little difficulty talking about
  • -finishing interview - ask interviewee if they have anything else to add? Then thank them for their time
  • -transcribing - don’t edit quotes 

Plan before you go some examples of questions -

Interview with Michael Wolff:
how does client relationship evolve:
must like them, can't remember working for someone he didn't like 

Role of client:
Huge, why is very difficult to establish, why are they doing what there doing. Hard when clients aren't open becomes difficult to guide someone on how they should express themselves. Doesn't like the word client, relationship is based on mutual respect.

'people will never forget how you made them feel' they will discard what you say or what they read. 
rather not know what to do and see what happens
Biggest mistake of young designers:
vanity, we idolise others resulting in similar styles and sameness.
Encourage any designers to respect the power of writing.

Best piece of advice:
People can see how you behave, brand is a form of behaviour and very few understand how behviour is seen. 

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