Monday 23 October 2017


Goals –
- Make an impression on people when they see my work
- Do work that inspires me to try as hard as I can
- Be more confident in my own ideas and work
- Have fun in my work and in my own life as well 
- Start networking that will help me in my future practice
- Do more work experience
- Stay on top of all my work and not get stressed out
- Go outside of my comfort zone and push myself
- Do more hand made stuff if that interest me
- look into advertising - done work experience in this area

My Manifesto : Small things make me happy
- little things make me happy
- keep collecting lots of random little things
- keep learning 
- balance work and fun stuff
- always look UP, whats around you makes you the designer you are
- research comes when you're not even looking for it

Keep developing my skills as a designer whilst learning and gathering research. LOOK UP - look around, things you collect and see makes you the designer YOU are. Have fun in your work, have a good balance between all aspects of life.  Keep on top of work, don't stress. 

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