Wednesday 16 November 2016


This week we were focusing on time management and how valuable it is. If you manage your time correctly you will be less stressed and more organised which in turn will make you happier which is the end goal. Not only the work tasks we have but also things we want to do for ourselves like travel. 

In order to discuss this we made lists of things that we have to do e.g. work and things we want to do e.g. travel. Examples of things we have to do include; going to uni, eating, sleeping. Examples of things we want to do include; travel, draw more, be happy.

This then lead to us having to plan out a week and timetable in all the things we have to do to identify how much spare time we have and how much time we have to spend doing the necessary things. By doing this, it showed how much free time, outside of uni I have for the things I want to do. Even in my have to do's I could accomplish some of my want to do's. I will be using this calendar the following week to see if it is truly helpful.

This was my table and if im honest after trying to follow it for a week I didn't follow it slot by slot. I stuck to the rough guideline of it however I am quite spontaneous and I made plans with friends or something like that rather than sticking to the plan. I think the reason behind this was I didnt give myself enough free time. However I do think it helped with my time management. 

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