Saturday 5 November 2016



-fear or nervousness about something that might happen in the near future

We had this session so we could figure out how to handle stress and to identify what it is that trigures the stress that we have. We also had it to find out how to deal with the stress that things like this course will give us. 
In order to discover how to help ourselves handle stress and identify what stresses us out we answered the following questions:
  • 1 What scares you?
  • 2 What negative thought have you had today?
  • 3 What stresses you out?
  • 4 What do you do to de-stress?

This task helped me because it showed me that I am not the only one having the bad thoughts I have. It shows that there are other people in the same boat as me.

We wrote out the answers to these questions on little pieces of paper and shared them with the group which is how I found out that I am not the only one in this situation. My answers were the same as many others. My answers and those I related to were:

- My work not being good enough
- Work piling up quicker than you are dealing with it
- Deadlines

- I'm wasting my time
- I am not going to get my work done on time
- There is no way I can catch up

- When I leave work until the last minute thinking it will be ok then getting stressed
- work load piling up
- When I leave work until the night before

- listen to music
- Eat
- Have a nap

After this we looked at Haiku. Which is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines and rarely rimes. These are most commonly written about a certain theme. Below is my own version of a Haiku.

I am not going to get my work done.
I need to focus.
Have a nap.

In groups we then had to think of a way to help people deal with stress, something that can be designed graphically. We thought we could use posters all around Leeds and having to find these posters that are all linked up.

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