Wednesday 16 January 2019

Cover Letter


The cover letter is the initial letter that you send to someone who you are contacting for the first time. It needs to showcase both your skills and your personality. It would be helpful to research your audience / place that you are writing to. 


  • Write a really long letter that mumbles on. - get to the point and be clear about what you want and what you have to offer.
  • Include anything general - be specific.
  • Be informal - need to be respectful.


  • Write with confidence, as well as having confidence in yourself.
  • Speak about your skills, however only include the ones that are relevant to their practise and could benefit them.
  • Be minimal in what you write and get to the point.

I kind of think that also I should be able to do this on the phone / have a similar sort of pitch as a lot of companies now like to do phone interviews or think that a lot of people can write an email or letter but communcation skills are so valid in the area of work I want to go into.

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