Saturday 29 December 2018

Client Work : Cubano Collaboration


Cubano was an internal collaboration with a graphic designer on my course and a third photographer. It was my first collaborative brief of the year which I was using for my 603 module. It was a good brief for my practice as I know that I prefer to work in a collaborative sense.

Working collaboratively in this sense with another creative that doesn't do my course was good as it prepared me for stuff I want to do in future.

It also made me think about my future and how I don't want to work freelance to create booklets like this. It was a fun project to do in uni but the photography client set many limitations. Looking back on it I think it would have been beneficial to all the parties involved to have a mini contract like a document that set the rules out as to who was doing what.

Kitty and I (the other graphic designer) set rules for ourself each having separate rules but working alongside each other to make sure we were both on the same vibe and ha the same ideas for the outcome however we did not set any rules regarding how involved the client would be which I think hindered the design process a bit.

Overall I enjoyed the collaboration as it showed me that working alongside another graphic designer was beneficial as she had some strengths that were not my strengths and my strengths were aspects of her weaknesses.

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