Tuesday 7 May 2019

Module Evaluation

Overall this module was an eye-opening experience, learning new things about myself and my practice. This module has shown me that the life of a creative professional does not bear that much resemblance to Leeds Arts University life. This was discovered when visiting studios such as Hurley, California.

Through the development of personal branding allowing creative freedom to experiment as much as desired. The personal branding was loosely based upon my initials and had a strong identity running through which was achieved through aspects such as the colour scheme. Throughout this module I have branded myself as a ‘creative’ in order to not limit myself to one profession as I am unsure what job is desired. Having this branding has meant that I can feel confident in myself in the professional environment.

In previous years I have been very competent with the work being. This year choosing my own briefs open my eye to different creative options. This was only heightened when Work experience was undertaken at Stink Films in London, working alongside a Production Manager it was an enlightening 2 week with like-minded creatives. It showed me that having strong communication skills like myself was such a plus in industry.

Originally, I was meant to have 2-week work experience at Wonderworks which is an independent strategic and creative agency. This was discovered as they branded themselves as creatives. Having sent over a portfolio they came back to me and asked if I would rather do a month’s internship which is set to be in July / August. This is something I am looking forward to as it is a small studio which an environment I would like to experience.

Alongside setting my own briefs and doing client in collaboration briefs it has made me more confident in my work and have now felt as if I have the ability to promote myself online. Online presence was also helped through live briefs.

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