Tuesday 30 April 2019

Updated Vision


My vision at the start of the year :

2023, I have a good work-life balance making time to see friends whilst working hard alongside an art director of a medium sized studio. Working previously in the advertising industry, looking to broaden my horizon and learn further in other careers. I am also trying to attend creative talks and events around London to keep up my creativity and try to keep in the creative loop.

I think this is still a vision of mine, however, I want to go to Australia for a year and travel, saying this I know I will only be there for a year maximum. I am going to look for jobs out there, initially in the creative industry. Now also as I know I have an internship for a month at a small studio in London hopefully having this on my CV and the fact that I will then be a graduate will look more professional and be appealing. I am going to look into the roles of Production, Advertising and fashion (aspects as a junior designer maybe or something to do with art direction) as these are all things that I know I enjoy and have a genuine interest in. 

I also think that travelling and learning more things is exactly what I want to do, i love being in new environments (especially sunny ones) where I can learn from a team around me and gain more experience. 

My end goal is to be happy and have a team of creatives around me learning something that interests me. I will also be aiming to be documenting my trip and to note down ideas I have along the way for different projects.

inspiration for this came from Character Building is a fun series of 20 animated GIFs by British illustrator and animator Michael William Lester who created fun gifs from landmarks around the world.

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