Friday 29 March 2019

Terms and Conditions

  • 50% up front 
  • Deliverables 
  • Terms of use - licensing, how long work can be used for
  • Dates - how long project will last, date of deliverables handoff, additional fee if project over-runs 
  • Changes - how many rounds of changes, additional charges for more changes
  • How many devices can it be used on 
  • Time spent on the project 
  • Payment - amount, date due, late payment fees, removal of the license until payment made
  • Cancellation fee - different amounts during the project, Exit strategy 
  • Rules of usage for the client - no changes to be made
  • Confidentiality

Client Work : Coffee Table Book


Visual Communications Student, Esme Lane Fox approached me and has asked me to help her with design the layout and the binding for her coffee table book. 

After the PPP session, we had when looking into HAWRAF I thought it would be a good way to initiate the brief to send her a small questionnaire asking a few key details that would be good to kick off my brief. 

This should help by making sure both the client (Esme) and I are on the same page and happy.  

Friday 15 March 2019

Hawraf Press

Learning Objective: 6A2 

It was intersting to learn how they use press as I had previously thought press would lead to new clients however this wasn't the case for Hawraff. Instead, they use it highlight a project and celebrate those involved and add value to their studio. Furthermore it was interesting to read about writing a press release and how to promote your work effectively, as I had previously assumed press releases would be quite lengthy and detailed. However they suggest keep things short and straight to the point in order to grab attention due to the fast nature of the news cycle, you need something short and snappy to stand out.

However it's important to release the amount of exposure Hawraff gets naturally based on the notoriety of the studio.

Initial Portfolio for send of to WonderWorks



This list is non negotiables and I think are perfect and is what is needed to have an open and easy relatonship with the client.

- people to be open
- people to listen
- everyone to be on the same page
- no jumping to conclusions
- flexible work space
- room to experiment
- nothing is precious 
- make good work or good money

These are values that I will take forward in my client work.

These were produced as a set of rules and values. The document was set out to try to make them succeed in what they were doing whilst still being a moral design company. Some stood out to me, for example they want to seek the uncomfortable, as no-one wants to be uncomfortable however that is what makes them succeed. in a way its like going outside your comfort zone.

Client Questionnaire / kick off questions

This questionnaire is useful as I think it allows the designer or company in this instance to work out exactly what the client wants and to see if they want to go through with the designing.  

Not only this but I also discovered their client kick off questions in order to gather the most information they can about the client:

I found these so intruiguing into how much depth they go in as I would normally only about max 10-20 questions but their list is so long.

Friday 1 March 2019

Being a Pro


- find the worst piece of branding you can that repulses you and it just awful. Must be a jpeg and submit it to the drive folder :

Once uploaded the image to the folder, we flicked through everyone's chosen bad branding. A common theme that ran throughout were sexual innuendos, much like mine chosen. I chose mine as it genuinely confuses me how even though it is a Swedish company that the logo literally say I heart cum. 

The next part of the task was to then to try and sell the logo as if you made it and make a pitch as to why it is good. In order to do so I needed to gather some research into what the company is and the background to it.

This logo I found was for a Swedish company called 'locum', locum is a property development Swedish company that was made in 1991. It develops and manages public and private health and medical care facilities, which is where I believe the heart has come from. 

My pitch was :

locum develops and manages public and private health and medical care facilities property. The company was founded in 1991 in Sweden when the logo was created. The heart in the logo is a clear representative of medical care that is provided in the property. The comical side to the logo helps fills our maternity wards!

After the pitches we then had to look back at the design and redesign the branding into something better that best communicates the brand. For this section of the task I wanted to try keep as many aspects as similar as possible as I believe that a brand like this would want similarity and just to make their mistake into something that works. 

I decided to look into the medical side of things and designed an abstract medical cross sign that has aspects of the heart shining through.

To conclude, we asked why have we done this exercise?

- working on a project that we were not keen on develops our skills and pushes us outside our comfort zone
- up our confidence - doesn't take much time to create a good outcome that is clearly better
- selling ideas is as important from a business perspective as generating the ideas
- sell yourself and sell your ideas

Look into Paula Scher - Abstract (on Netflix)