Friday 16 November 2018



Aim – to write a paragraph of a picture of what your success looks like at a particular point in the future, described with enough detail that you will know when you’ve arrived

Your vision should be inspiring, detailed and a little daunting. You should push yourself and go outside your comfort zone in order to bring you closer to where you want to be.

Rules for your ‘vision’:
-       Set your vision five or ten years in future
-       Start by writing the date
-       Present tense, where you are at that time
-       Professional and Personal – average day, schedule
-       Cover everything that defines success to you

2023, I have a good work life balance making time to see friends whilst working hard alongside an art director of a medium sized studio. Working previously in the advertising industry, looking to broaden my horizon and learn further in other careers. I am also trying to attend creative talks and events around London to keep up my creativity and try to keep in the creative loop.

Outside of work, I am making conscious efforts to visit galleries and seeing friends. I am focusing on making physical work for fun and enjoying the London life.  I am working 5 days a week until 6/7pm, going to the gym as much I can and going to fun places and bars with friends in the evening and at the weekends.

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