Friday 26 October 2018

Get to the Point

Learning Outcomes: 6A2 and 6D2

Within this session, we completed quick idea generation tasked based on our own individual concerns, and questions surrounding our own creative practice. 

Initially, we wrote anything that came to mind on post-it notes. This was helpful as it got me thinking about my own concerns and what I wanted to learn in order to progress into the industry and develop my own practice. we then went round and commented on useful things on everyone else's concerns in the group, we found we all had valid concerns. we then focused on one of our main concerns to see where we could take this further. 

We then researched different solutions to the problems at hand, this was a useful exercise as it gave us the confidence to go forward and gain some helpful tips from my peers.


602 Brief

PPP 602 module briefing 

Brief 1 - personal branding 
  • anything and everything that you develop to tell the world who you are and what you do 
  • public presentation
  • all chronicle in your blog
  • every post you have to refer back to the learning outcomes you think are relevant  (LO number)

Brief 2 - design strategy 
  • every interaction you have with a professional sphere that helps to progress or establish your career 
  • what you did why you did it what you learned from the interaction on blog post
  • blog the good stuff an the bad stuff 

  • build a website
  • get online press
  • send real mail 

  • start of feb 1 week pure ppp with visiting lecturers 

Aims **

- become more confident - get an online presence
- create work for yourself
- have more fun this year with your work
-experiement with differnet things and learn new skills

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Work Experience last summer

6A2 6B2

I did some work experience last May for a small start-up fashion company called Arc Minute. They were having a launch for their brand where I helped with the setup. One of the co-founders new I studied graphic design so was asking me about art direction.

For the launch, they hired an old school car to fit the aesthetic and have models in their clothes standing infront and around the car.

I was in charge of the placement of the car and the tape that I stuck to the floor to where each model was going to stand.

Looking back at it now it was my first real experience of art direction and I had the best day. We were working from 8am to 2 am and I enjoyed every second of it. Even though I was not playing a big role the thought process of where the audience was viewing the models in relation to the other aspects that were at the shoot was crucial to make a successful launch.

For further work experience, I think I want to look into a fast pace environment. However, it was such a small team which I was working alongside and as I am unsure about what I want to do after uni I think it would be wise to look into both a small studio environment alongside to gather my thoughts and see how I feel after that.