Thursday 19 April 2018


We then had a discussion about where we thought we should go next and we thought our research we had at the moment was good however we only really had secondary research at the moment and thought the best thing for us to do was to go around the university and gather some primary research from students ranging from different levels and different degrees so that we could find out there opinion. We decided to only ask them one question which was :

What would you change about the university and why? 

From this we gathered some responses a lot of which were not very useful as we asked a lot of students in the morning (not very awake!) 

However we received some good asnswers that we decided we would show in our pitch :

1 due to the lack of atmoshphere it makes working in uni very undesirable and makes me not want to
2 if there were more open spcaes then i think the students from other courses would feel more connected 
3 squeezing through one small entrance makes rushed mornings even more stressful
4 the studio and general atmosphere of the college is not very inspiring which is not what you want when you are doing a creative degree
5 the interactive flow of the uni is close to non existent which is stupid. because that creates a lack of community feel throughout

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