Thursday 30 November 2017


Studio Brief 02You will arrange yourselves into groups. Consider who you are best working within areas of strength, abilities and performance.

Deadline: 22/02/2018

THE BRIEF - We are now heading toward a new image as Leeds Arts University and we are expanding into a new extended facility (building). A new logo has been created by Peter and Paul in Sheffield. This brief is to create a wayfinding and imagery for the building and the various courses and facilities. I will attempt to gain plans and elevations to aid this. The work should cover all areas of this wayfinding and human interaction and will be to proposal level. A rationale of who and where we can connect with staff, visitors and students.

This investigation should be as wide and exciting as achievable, there are NO restrictions and how this is achieved is down to research and awareness of what wayfinding is, externally accessed maybe, do not get bogged down with detail unless you feel it is important. Consider BIG IDEAS and try to be innovative, creative in all areas. As mentioned, manufacturing is NOT essential, concepts that cover the brief in the most 'fresh' creative and reasoned way. Your presentation at the end of this can be pdf.

Presentations are up to the groups how they are presented and a considered 'rationale' is needed. This is a really 'native' brief and you will need to note all work on your PPP Blog as you go with a final post that sums up your individual take on this project together with your take on the 'collaborative' aspects of this brief.

Things to consider - 
- target audience
- structure of group 
- costs, chargers and financial considerations
- responsibilities within the group
- how you are going to communicate

When you actually pitch your ideas -
- start with the brief 
- keep key themes like the logo the same
- think about an overall reason for why you are most suited to the brief, why is yours better than others

Creative Pitch - 
- think about the market already
- what are the base requirements
- what do you want to achieve from this brief 
- how will it impact or change their lives
- consider human interaction
- simplicity of use

Final things to consider -
- design
- language
- functionality
- expectations

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