Wednesday 21 December 2016


What inspires you...

For inspiration I often refer to Instagram, Pinterest, online magazines and blogs online. However I find I get the most amount of inspiration from stepping away from the screen. The best thing to do is to go for a walk and take in all your surroundings. Getting a breath of fresh air whilst looking at the surroundings really helps me. I believe that inspiration is truly everywhere around us. You just need to open your eyes and look for it. Another aspect of my life that I gain inspiration from is music, I love to listen to music whilst I am designing I believe that it enhances and relaxes me to produce better work. 


As a group we helped each other write a mind map about our personalities. We had a lot of fun with this and had a laugh about our personalities and traits. Examples of this include; a bit of a perfectionist, a little stubborn and hard worker. We had such fun we started relating each other to a breed of dog based on out personalities. 

I am a determined student who likes to have fun, I am well informed an am inspired by the world around me. I am known to my peers as feisty but fun and apparently I am much like a Chihuahua. I am small, feisty and strong minded. I love the researching and idea generation part of graphic design as I think it is one of the most important aspects as you cant produce the final outcome without the ideas and research.

Tuesday 20 December 2016


From this lesson i received an insight into different ways to communicate with professionals and those which are best to gain a response from. It showed the need to be creative and unique with how I interact with professional in order to be noticed. Something as small as an e-mail won't really show who you are or what you have to say. There are multiple ways to interact with people including sending a letter or a document or sending little gifts such as a drawing it adds a more personal side to the experience.