Tuesday 7 May 2019

Module Evaluation

Overall this module was an eye-opening experience, learning new things about myself and my practice. This module has shown me that the life of a creative professional does not bear that much resemblance to Leeds Arts University life. This was discovered when visiting studios such as Hurley, California.

Through the development of personal branding allowing creative freedom to experiment as much as desired. The personal branding was loosely based upon my initials and had a strong identity running through which was achieved through aspects such as the colour scheme. Throughout this module I have branded myself as a ‘creative’ in order to not limit myself to one profession as I am unsure what job is desired. Having this branding has meant that I can feel confident in myself in the professional environment.

In previous years I have been very competent with the work being. This year choosing my own briefs open my eye to different creative options. This was only heightened when Work experience was undertaken at Stink Films in London, working alongside a Production Manager it was an enlightening 2 week with like-minded creatives. It showed me that having strong communication skills like myself was such a plus in industry.

Originally, I was meant to have 2-week work experience at Wonderworks which is an independent strategic and creative agency. This was discovered as they branded themselves as creatives. Having sent over a portfolio they came back to me and asked if I would rather do a month’s internship which is set to be in July / August. This is something I am looking forward to as it is a small studio which an environment I would like to experience.

Alongside setting my own briefs and doing client in collaboration briefs it has made me more confident in my work and have now felt as if I have the ability to promote myself online. Online presence was also helped through live briefs.



I have been thinking recently that design is about expeirenceing the world and I want to experience more! I have looked into goin to austraia for a year and getitng a job.

Self promo Business card research

6b2 6d2

Monday 6 May 2019

Self promo - final business cards


Work experience Week 2

6B2. 6A2

Day 6

back in the office doing similar things as last week

Day 7 

shoot - runner

There were 2 other runners on shoot who helped me get the swing of thing. I have a radio in order to communicate and listen to see if anyone on set needed anything. 

The majority of the day I was getting coffees for the team however it was an exciting experience and I enjoyed being on a set 

Day 8 

shoot - runner

Day 9 - 

shoot day however today I was oing admin with the production manager and assistance as it was close to the end they had a lot fo admin to do. Surprisingly this wans not something that I did not enjoy.

2 weeks over! 

Work Experience week 1

6B2. 6A2


Day 1 

Alongside the Production assistant, preparing multiple documents such as story boards for the ‘cook up’ for big supermarket tomorrow. Alongside this looking at the casting for some different commercials they are working on and preparing the correct documents to show the Producer. 

Sat in a meeting / discussion with the Producer about a few jobs that were coming up. Was interesting to see how much work goes on behind closed doors before the filming of the commercial - so much paperwork / recce etc happens that I never really thought about before. 

I was also added to many emails and a call sheet for the cook up tomorrow. Where I will be assisting the ‘art department’ as a runner. Not only this but was added to the correct dropbox folder so I could put the documents up that I drew up for them. This was informative for me as I got to look at multiple documents that were related to the cook up I will be attending tomorrow. 

To best inform myself I wanted to look at all the documents so I had a greater understanding of what I will be doing tomorrow. Not only this but it gave me an idea of all the different aspects that are included and go alongside the job. For example one of the documents included the budget for the costume change which was estimated at £6100 for the job. It was interesting to see each of the different elements that are included on the job and how they work together to make the job run smoothly.

Day 2

The cook up. A cook up is something they do before they shoot the commercial and prep all the food that will be shot - relative to each story board with each scene being shot with the correct plating / decor that goes with the theme. 

Each scene / plays that is being shot needs to be approved by all of the member included e.g. the agency, the client etc. 

I was assisting the art department today where I was working with tess and nick. They are both to do with the props that run alongside things like commercials. I wanted to gather as much info about every aspect so I was asking them questions about previous jobs and what they love to do. They said on a job like this they usually are just making sure they have all the correct props e.g. plates and that they match the correct theme for that scene. 

The theme of one scene / story for example shows a Caribbean family making a roast together as a family. So for this we were matching up the correct plate for each of the foods - as it was a Caribbean family we were aiming to looking at colourful plates to match the theme and to hint at the theme for the filming. 

There was a lot of discussion throughout the different meetings about each scene where little details were being picked up by people. I was aiding tess here in picking out the different props e.g. plates that would match the food colouring and shape. A lot of thought was being put into the different shapes and sizes and colours that would be appearing that was also relative to the theme. 

As it was a roast for one scene the client was wondering if it was too wintering for the summer commercial that they were going for. This is where the chef was adapting his ideas and aspects that he could change to make it more summery - it was little details like this and the different shapes of the food that was really thought of that make the commercial as good as they want it. 

After the cook up was completed, we packed away all the props and made the changes to the document that had all the information about the shoot day. Adding various info and notes from throughout the day onto it e.g. what plates to use for what scene etc. 

Day 3

Back in the Stink office I created the keynote presentations ranging from 20 seconds to 60. for all the 5 scenes that will be happening on shoot day. To do so I had to go through the story board frames and screenshot each of them. Once I had the screenshots of each frame I then had to put them in the keynote presentation in the correct order. 

Throughout the whole of today I was with the Producer for the commercial, Production Manager and Production Assistance. It was interesting to see how the three worked together /alongside each other. I was receiving jobs from the Producer herself and the Production Manager.

I then got given the script for each of the scenes, where I added the correct lines that go with the correct frame. I also had to add all the text for the voice overs and had to make sure it was visually pleasing for everyone to view. 

After I had completed this I was then added to another dropbox folder where I was able to explore more of the different documents that were linked to the current project that is being worked on. This folder was about the different locations that were researched and gone to where members of the team had taken photographs of the location to show. 

Half a keynote presentation was completed with the different site areas and my job was to finish the presentation with all the images that had been marked for me to input. This was interesting as it showed me the different ‘recce’s’ that had happened in order to find the perfect location. Once I had do

Lucy (the production manager) asked me to go through all of the call sheets and pick out the ones that they had listed as the ones that they want to use or the ‘talent’. Once I found them I went through all their CV’s to see what commercial experience they had in general looking for the talent that had been in previous supermarket commercials experience they had. 

The producer came in later that day and asked me to do a couple of admin short jobs for her including doing her expenses from when she went to a location for a couple of days on a recce. It was cool to see what she was expensing to the company to see what sort of thing they are allowed to. The majority of the stuff that was being expensed was food, taxi’s, coffees and there was a big food big from a fancy restaurant which was a client meeting. 

Day 4

The original story boards for each of the 20” and 60” scenes have been edited to go alongside a revised script. I have been sent the new details and a pdf with the new included story board frames which I need to extract and input them into the right place where I will need to move them all around.

 I then went over my revised storyboards with the Production Manager to double check they are what they need. Once I had done the frames and checked them with the Production Manager we sent them off to the Producer who is on a recce in Scotland today. 

I only had an hour to all the 5 scenes that were ranging from 60” and 20” as there was a meeting where they need the updated scene to progress further. This was a bit of a rush however I managed to complete it, which my Production Manager was happy about. 

Treatment - tom green - the director at stink films won the job through a pitch. There were at least 5 other directors pitching for this job. 

- when lucy (production manager) got offered she looked at timings how big it was to see if it was a job that she wanted to do with the team within stink

further storyboard adjustments (noticing the sketch artist got the scene wrong so emailed back asking him to change - had this back and forth to make sure he was drawing the correct frames for the script

I then printed the new scripts, call sheet and other documents ready for the 2nd cook up tomorrow as the PA and PM in the office are in a meeting so I need to take them to the other PA at the cook up.

asked me to go on the shoot for a day or two to help out :)

Day 5 

Back in the supermarkets HQ getting prepped for the last cook-up with the updated scripts that I created for the team for another cook-up.

Sunday 5 May 2019

Hurley visit LA

I was lucky enough to visit LA and see the Hurley studio whilst meeting Bob and Ryan Hurley (they are super cool and chill)

I have decided I love the american vibe, everyone is so nice and always mean well in what tey say. (well thats quite a big generalisation but everyone I met at Hurley was just super lovely and happy to answer my questions.

The whole complex is a supe cool space to work in because you only have to walk 2 mins until you have everything you want. They have a print based workshop in the area as well as the perfect sace for business meetings etc.