Friday 19 January 2018


If someone is stealing your work you need to contact them in person to question and ask them to explain. You need to make a decision if you believe that they have stolen your work.

Copyright -
- don't need to register your work, it's your copyright as soon as you create it
- no one can take copyright from you unless they have got written permission
- keep files that are dates and time stamped
- never breach someone's copyright
- if you are self-employed

email work to yourself so you have tie and date recorded, just because it doesn't have a copyright symbol doesn't mean it can be used

Why bother - just because its in a public domain doesnt mean it is then free to use. It only works where the copyright has expired or has been assigned, ben donated to the internet for use. It generally runs out 70-90 years after creation or 70 years after your death. 

There are some limitations that come with copyright -
- you can't copyright facts conceptual ideas or public domains

Reproduction rights because you both own the copyright and the right to reproduce your work. You must be careful when assigning copyright and be clear that once it's handed off your involvement ends.

Licensing your work keeps images are yours but allows other to use them for a fee. You can limit license for a single use or multiple times or a period of time. You then receive a fee for each use.

Clients can be tricky in terms of copyright, they could say I paid you so then I own everything you do. Just because you physically own the work it doesn't mean they intellectually own it automatically unless you have it assigned in writing.

Can be a useful tool to gain as you only get copyright after a full and final payment

Tuesday 16 January 2018


To start this brief I got in a group with Kitty and Meg. We decided that because there are only 3 of us then we should do all the stages together. We thought we should do initial research on our own then come together in a couple of days to do more research together and to see what other research the others got.

Initial ideas -
- big wide open spaces
- get current students opinions to gather primary research
- simplicity is key
- human interaction - clear and simple

Monday 15 January 2018


As I am currently unsure about what route I want to take in graphic design - want to look into people who are in different areas eg. -

- post production
- founder of a business
- someone with experience
- physical side of design e.g. printing

Question ideas - 
- how did you get to the role you are in today 
- what is your working environment like
- any advice for a young designer 
- what has been the most important less you have learnt on your journey

Saturday 13 January 2018


the process you should go through in order to get paid -
1 initial call to find out the budget and negotiate the budget / price
2 write an estimate for job and itemise that it will take a full day to complete - estimate is fluid whereas a quote is legally binding
3 require 50% upfront and need purchase/order number - legal requirement you need a paper trail 
4 balance paid on the supply of files
5 copyright will be released on full and final payment 0 must be done in writing
6 any additional changes will be charged at £xx p hour and they would be informed before doing any more work / undertake changes. You must always make them aware
7 kill point - the project is killed before completion all fees will remain chargeable to that point, the work is charged for until the work is completed or stopped
8 send the client a fulll breakdown of your terms, ask for purchase order and approval of items, wait until conformation until the work is complete
9 invoice - invoice number, date, reference number, client, contact details, itemise work ( all the work, upfront payment, balance due)
10 form of payment - bank transfer, whne you have recieved the payment make sure you send them an email saying the payment is recieved and the invoice goes to the account department not the originator of the brief

F you pay me video - mike monterio - mule 
- wanted to run own design studio to be able to pick and chose client and be responsible for the work they where doing
- have clear definitions in the contract and make sure everyone understands what they are agreeing to 
- dont be afraid to walk away
- if the client brings in another designer to try to make a competition out of it dont stay for it if its not in the contract
- dont start work without a contract 
- don't blindly accept their terms, often clients don't know what is in the contract
- anticipate negotiation but dont back down on important aspects
- make internal allies