Monday 2 January 2017


- making good shit - 

DR.ME spoke to us about their journeys and where they came from to where they are now. The main gist I got from them was that you dont have to just live in London to be successful. The most valuable tool to the creative industry is asking. DR.ME organised a meeting with Mike Perry Studio when they were going to New York and they received a 2 month internship the following summer.

365 days of collage -

They started this project as it being personal, they used this to source imagery and personal photography that they had collected over the years and to also promote themselves as designers. The aim was to change peropls perceptions, they sold the images they created online each day at a small price. As they say "Do it for the love and then you'' get good shit at the end."

Advice I got from DR.ME - 
- make good shit
- collaboration is where opportunities are made
- go out and see stuff in galleries, new cities and countries
- be brave
- just ask
- dont follow trends, just be yourself